About Us

The company “Novak vile d.o.o.” was founded in 2004 as an entrepreneurial independence of the owner and founder, Mr. Ivica Novak B.Sc. Eng., after years of construction and engineering experience, and several built facilities. The headquarters are in Zagreb, and the company operates and creates on the island of Pašman.

The operation based on knowledge and strict observance of legal regulations and rules of nature is our commitment and the reason the existence of the postgraduate Master’s studies at the Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb.
Awareness of the importance of environmental and energy resources developed on our own knowledge through business and travelling the world and the desire to prevent the mistakes of overdeveloped and completely undeveloped world from transferring on to us.

By thinking the same way as the users of these goods, as well as those who pay dearly for using them, and finally like those whose action can heavily impact them, we have realized the importance of energy efficiency and set it as one of the foundations of our own construction. Along with the concern about healthy construction and the environment comes also the concern about beautiful construction and environment … and that leads to your good feeling – which is our main long term goal.

We aren't afraid of high goals...
...and we are family people...
...that loves our sea!
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Our mission

Compared to the usual profiting trend of settling apartments along on the coast and massive development to the detriment of the space, ambience and customers, our concept is reversed: to provide for the same price the buyer – user a space in which and around which, at every step, he will feel the appreciation of the builder, and pleasure using the space that provides him with a true vacation for the whole family, and certainly does not represent just minimal accommodation.

Our vision

At the doors of the islands of Kornati, in Ždrelac and Dobropoljana, gentle island villages on the green, not overcrowded with tourists Pašman island, to build your shelter from the rampant pace of life. There you should pamper yourself and your loved ones, reward yourself for those hard moments of work and struggling for a better quality of life which you will realize here.

In Privlaka and Stari Grad, Zadar tourist gems in development, we have a luxurious and economical solution of vacation or investment – perfectly positioned houses in a row…

We do not want to create a trendy place, we are not offering arrogant splendour, but we offer high quality and beauty of the villas, blending in with nature, a Mediterranean atmosphere and escape from the tense reality.

Novak Vile d.o.o.

Novak Vile d.o.o. is registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb

Share capital in the amount of 20.000,00 Kn paid in full.

CEO: Ivica Novak, B.Sc. Eng.
Headquarters:  F. Antolića Sobana 30, 10040 Zagreb